Activities 2023

Visit to INN 2023

In April 2023, our team visited for the second time the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at NCSR Demokritos.

Our team was guided in the following laboratories of the Institute:

After the tours, we met with the Director of the Institute, Dr. Evangelos Gogolides, and we watched a presentation by Dr. Evangelos Almpanis, on matters of Theoretical and Computational Condensed Matter Physics.

We are very thankful to all researchers who hosted us in their laboratories, and to Dr. Vasileios Konstantoudis for organising a wonderful visit, which we all very much enjoyed!

Young Minds Leadership Meeting 2023

Our team was represented by Thanos Koutsostathis at the Young Minds Leadership Meeting 2023, which was held in Naples, Italy. We were also glad to send a poster and participate in the EPL Best Activity Award contest, which featured a presentation of our first conference, ACadmic Day.

Visit to the Institute of Oceanography of HCMR

Our team paid a visit to the Institute of Oceanography's (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research) facility in Anavyssos, Attica. During our visit we were informed about the interdisciplinarity work of the sectors of the institute and we visited the Operational centre of the POSEIDON system. Last we went to see the, now decommissioned, THETIS manned submersible, where we were given a "tour" of the vessel by its former Captain.


During the early autumn months and thanks to the significant effort put by our wonderful PR Team, the team was able to change its logo to the current one. Also, the name PHOxYS, which was previously used in an informal capacity was abolished, and the team will solely be known as NTUA Young Minds Section.

Athens Science Festival (October 2023)

Members of our team participated in the Athens Science Festival in October 2023. In collaboration with members of the NKUA Young Minds Section, they presented children with a number of experiments, such as the Double Slit Experiment, and other scientific crafts.

Open Day 2023

The NTUA Young Minds 2023 Open Day, marked the beginning of our events for the 2023-24 Academic year. NTUA Students were invited to a presentation of the team, its structure, goals and past events, and were given the opportunity to sign up as members (or renew their membership).

Career Master Workshop

Our Public Relations Team, in cooperation with Wiley, organised a Career Workshop, which was conducted by Georgia Cheimona, Candidate Experience Specialist at the Global Talent Acquisition Department of Wiley. 

The following topics were presented: